The Benefits You Need to Move Forward

Processing a cancer diagnosis can be hard enough.

Now, you can’t work. The bills keep coming, and you don’t have many options to pay them.

When you think about your medical bills on top of your normal expenses, you’re simply overwhelmed.

Social Security Disability benefits provide a financial lifeline for many who are unexpectedly stricken with a serious illness. The monthly checks can help you ease your money worries while focusing on what’s most important—your health.

Winning benefits can be difficult, unfortunately.

Most applicants are denied on their first try. It can be complicated with cancer, due to the wide range of types and severity levels of the disease. That’s on top of an already-complex Social Security Disability system.

That’s why it helps to have someone on your side.

At the Schneider Law Firm, we’re committed to helping our neighbors in North Dakota. We can help guide you through the sometimes baffling Social Security system and give you the best chance at winning the benefits you need.

For us, it’s about results for you. Call us today to get started.

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